Homage to João Mendes, Lúcio Craveiro, Júlio Fragata and António Freire took place during the late afternoon of yesterday.

The Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal - Braga Regional Center honored, yesterday at 5 pm, four former teachers. João Mendes, Lúcio Craveiro, António Freire and Júlio Fragata are the four teachers who were honored. The celebration, called “Philosophy and Humanities in Contemporary Braga:? On the centenaries of João Mendes SJ, Lúcio Craveiro SJ, Júlio Fragata SJ and António Freire SJ”, featured an evocative session of the four teachers, with the participation of personalities who are nearby, namely, Mário Garcia, Manuel Gama, Teresa Fragata and Acílio Estanqueiro Rocha.
This homage ceremony was presided over by the director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Braga, the parish priest José Manuel Martins Lopes. The director stressed that the commitment to intellectual work is part of the religious identity, highlighting that the four honorees are perfect examples of Catholic values.
“The commitment to intellectual work is part of the religious identity of the Society of Jesus. A service to the Church based on the intellectual apostolate is at the core of the origins of the Society of Jesus, since the first companions met as students at the University of Paris", began by saying the director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Braga, parish priest José Manuel Martins Lopes.
The faculty director thanked those honored for the lives of knowledge and sharing of wisdom that marked many of those present and for the contribution they made to the constitution of “a better world”.
“Today we celebrate four names that embodied this way of being and being in the intellectual and academic world advocated by the Society of Jesus as a service to the Church: João Mendes, Lúcio Craveiro, António Freire and Júlio Fragata. Thank you to those honored for their lives of knowledge and wisdom, which marked many of us. They lived the virtue of cultivating in silence, and so often away from the world's spotlight, science as a form of apostolate, so that, through serious reflection and the creation of thought within Christian humanism, they constitute a better world", stressed the director from college.
At the end of the interventions, there was still a moment of blessing and inauguration of the homage plaques, led by the chaplain Bruno Nobre, followed by a conviviality among all those present.