Johannes Kabatek, University of Zurich

In my 2023 monograph on Eugenio Coseriu*, the following is stated: “Eugenio Coseriu (1921–2002) is considered to be one of the most important linguistic scholars from the second half of the 20th century. He is known mainly as a structuralist and a Romance linguist, but his work is in fact far more expansive in scope, including a comprehensive linguistic theory as well as writing on a wide range of issues, from semantics, syntax, typology, variational linguistics, language change, pragmatics and text linguistics to Vulgar Latin, the history of the philosophy of language and the history of Romance linguistics. His thought is founded on solid philosophical principles, and his life brought him into contact with a number of different academic traditions and cultures”. Based on the conviction that there is still a lot to be discovered in Coseriu’s thought, my contribution will consist of three units, each of them with a different focus:
Unit 1: Coseriu’s “integral linguistics”, the question of linguistic norm and of linguistic correction.
Unit 2: “Linguistic change does not exist” – Coseriu’s theory of language change.
Unit 3: Linguistics “beyond structuralism”. Semantics and pragmatics.
* Kabatek, Johannes (2023): Eugenio Coseriu: Beyond Structuralism, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (free download at https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110716573/html?lang=de )