The Master's Degree in Portuguese as a Foreign/Second Language is a joint program between the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS, Braga) and the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH, Lisbon) of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), in institutional collaboration with the University of São José in Macau.
What are the objectives?
Responding to the growing demand for training in Portuguese as a Non-Mother Tongue, the Master's Degree in Portuguese as a Foreign/Second Language has the following objectives:
- Deepen knowledge and skills about language in its diversity as an expression of a geographically and culturally extended linguistic community, including vehicles such as cinema, literature, etc;
- Investigate the Portuguese language as a pluricentric language and explore its national, dialectal and sociolectal varieties;
- To promote critical reflection on the place of the Portuguese language in the global world;
- To train teachers with scientific-pedagogical and intercultural skills for teaching Portuguese as a foreign and second language;
- Encourage the production of advanced and rigorous knowledge about the Portuguese language, understood as a phenomenon and space of culture(s);
- To provide conceptual, theoretical and methodological tools in order to qualify master's students for autonomous research in the disciplinary field of Portuguese as a Foreign Language/Second Language and its teaching.
As a joint degree, reflecting UCP's national dimension and strong internationalization, the Master's in Portuguese as a Foreign/Second Language will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Braga and the Faculty of Human Sciences in Lisbon. In the second year, students attending the course under the protocol with the DSEJ of Macau will attend seminars at the University of São José, in Macau, and will do their teaching internship at a school in Macau, with which the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of São José has a protocol.
In the second year, students can choose to:
- Do an internship in the area of Portuguese as a Foreign/Second Language at the two UCP Faculties or at the University of São José or at other national or foreign institutions with which the two UCP Faculties have agreements;
- Develop a project in the area of Portuguese as a Foreign/Second Language;
- Write a dissertation on a subject in the area of Portuguese as a Foreign/Second Language.
All three options are subject to public examinations.
Registration and Accreditation
Registration No. R/A-Cr 68/2018 on June 27, 2018
Accreditation date: May 22, 2018