E-mail: servicosacademicos.braga@ucp.pt
Tel: (+351) 253 20 61 00
36 | Philosophical Anthropology: Contemporary Issues | 7.5 |
36 | Contemporary Metaphysical Perspectives | 7.5 |
36 | Contemporary Ethical Issues | 7.5 |
36 | Optional 1 | 7.5 |
36 | Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: Contemporary Perspectives | 7.5 |
36 | Optional 2 | 7.5 |
36 | Optional 3 | 7.5 |
36 | The Human Condition in Classical Literature | 7.5 |
36 | Theories of Secularization | 7.5 |
36 | The Question of God in Phenomenology | 7.5 |
36 | Virtue Ethics | 7.5 |
36 | Frontiers of the Human in Phenomenology | 7.5 |
36 | Anthropological Thought and Contemporary Literature | 7.5 |
36 | Origins of the Cosmos and the Human Being | 7.5 |
30 | Dissertation | 50 |
24 | Guided Research Seminar I | 5 |
30 | Dissertation | 50 |
24 | Guided Research Seminar II | 5 |