Master of Philosophy




Tel: (+351) 253 20 61 00 

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Program Description

At a time marked by transformations linked to digital progress, the emergence of an ecological sensibility, environmental and humanitarian crises of various kinds, there are numerous, sometimes opposing, anthropological conceptions. Based on the humanist matrix that characterizes the Portuguese Catholic University, the Master's Degree in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences aims to stimulate critical reflection on contemporary anthropological challenges. With the aim of guiding possible responses to today's crises, the Master's in Philosophy covers the major themes of contemporary Metaphysics, Anthropology, Ethics, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Religion. It focuses on the human condition from the perspective of the many contemporary challenges.


What does the course offer?

Students on the Master's in Philosophy come from various backgrounds, not all of which are specifically philosophical. With this in mind, the course provides contact with some of the fundamental areas of philosophy, so that each student can then follow their own interests through the choice of optional courses and the topic of their dissertation.


  1.  To deepen, from the point of view of thought, the various perspectives under debate in contemporary culture, which is fundamental for the development of a philosophical thought with public relevance and attentive to the problems common to all humans;
  2.  To provide students with a body of knowledge on issues from various contemporary philosophical debates;
  3.  Encourage reflection and critical evaluation of the issues studied, in order to articulate an integrative and interdisciplinary theoretical synthesis of them;
  4.  Familiarize yourself with some basic notions of a phenomenological approach to the problems of Philosophical Anthropology;
  5.  Reflect on the connection between art and life;
  6.  Framing the relationship between philosophical thought and literary creation and investigating the scope of literary representations of the contemporary crisis;
  7.  Develop the theoretical and methodological skills needed to plan and carry out research in the field of Philosophy.



Admission is governed by Article 8 of the General Regulations for Master's Degree Courses at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences: The following may be admitted: - holders of a bachelor's degree or other legally equivalent title; - holders of a foreign higher academic degree, awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this process; - holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of the Bachelor's degree by the Faculty's Scientific Council; - holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Faculty's Scientific Council as attesting to the ability to complete this cycle of studies.


Professional Opportunities

Our Masters in Philosophy are engaged in a wide variety of fields of activity and seek, above all, in their academic degree, the personal and professional enhancement of careers already underway.

In addition, a Master's degree in Philosophy opens up access to specific fields such as teaching/research, cultural consultancy in governmental and non-governmental organizations, particularly local authorities, editorial consultancy, continuing training, etc.

Registration and Accreditation

Registration No. R/A-Ef 1238/2011/AL02 on June 24, 2024


Accreditation date: August 21, 2023




Tel: (+351) 253 20 61 00 

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