Training event | As International Lecture Series

Friday, March 1, 2024 - 09:00 to Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 18:00

Since 2022, the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS) of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) - Braga has been developing the TESTEd project, "Towards a European Syllabus in Teacher Education - Facing future challenges together".

This project is funded by the European Commission, under the Erasmus + Teacher Academies Program, and promoted by five European universities, namely the Universities of Ruhr Bochum/Akademie RUB (Germany), Oulu (Finland), Cork (UCC-Ireland), Seville (USE-Spain) and the Portuguese Catholic University.

TESTEd therefore aims to take an international perspective on cross-cutting issues that are socially relevant to teacher education, both in initial and continuing education. 

The cross-cutting aim of the project is to develop a European syllabus for teacher education, based on academic and non-academic expertise from schools, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, which will address five broad, cross-cutting issues:

a. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 

b. Democratic Education and Active Citizenship 

c. Diversity and Gender Equality 

d. Multilingual and Cultural Diversity 

e. Digitalization of Learning Spaces

Based on these elements, various academic and scientific events and activities, always of an international nature, will take place until mid-2025.

In 2024, the FFCS and the Portuguese team of the TESTEd Project, made up of Professors Cândido Martins, Paulo Dias (Project Coordinator) and Dr. Raquel Rodrigues (Researcher), will implement an international and accredited Curricular Unit (UC) for master's and/or doctoral students, with the possibility of mobility of these students between the partner institutions in the year of their dissertation.

Specifically, this course will be taught in English and at a distance (via Moodle and Zoom), with a series of asynchronous and synchronous moments between March and April 2024. It should also be noted that this course will end with the possibility for all students to participate in an international Maker Space in May 2024 (more specifically between May 13 and 17).

For more information, in addition to consulting the flyer promoting the event, where you can also find the registration form, you can also visit the project's official website (see or its official Instagram account (see @testednetwork). 

If you need to get in touch directly with the Portuguese International Lecture Series team, the contact details are: Prof. Paulo Dias - or Dr. Raquel Rodrigues -

Evento formativo | As International Lecture Series