Insignia should be a reminder of ‘commitment to excellence’ for Catholic finalists

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 - 17:49
Diario do Minho

Ceremony of Imposition of Insignia took place today at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Braga

imposição das insignias

The finalists of the Catholic University's Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences were encouraged to see the insignia they received today as ‘a constant reminder of their commitment to excellence, integrity and service to others’. The challenge was launched by the director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS), José Manuel Lopes, during the Imposition of Insignia ceremony that brought together students, families, friends and teachers in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

Tears of joy, pride, hope, longing and many smiles marked the entire ceremony and it was in a mixture of emotions that the 2023/2024 finalists of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) received one of the most awaited hugs of their academic career from their parents, godparents and teachers.

‘May everyone use the knowledge and life wisdom acquired here not only to achieve personal success, but also to make a positive difference in the world around us, especially by becoming a voice for those who don't have one,’ asked the FFCS director, also reaffirming the urgent need to bet on a culture of peace in all aspects of our lives, since “peace is not just the absence of conflict, but a state of harmony based on truth”.

‘We believe that our FFCS students have learned and are prepared (because, in addition to reason, we also work on the heart) to be agents of change, to prepare constructive dialogues capable of resolving confrontations and defending human rights. May everyone take on the commitment to be an ambassador for peace, contributing to a world where peaceful coexistence is a reality for everyone,’ said the FFCS director.

For her part, the president of the FFCS Students' Association, Mariana Peixoto, emphasised that this day means “celebrating the end of a cycle”.

‘It's hard to express what's in our souls right now. It's hard to express the mixture of feelings we experience on a day like this. On the one hand, it's a feeling of duty done and satisfaction, because we're finally seeing the effort of three years of our lives rewarded and for many of us today is the day a dream is realised,’ he said, adding that “on the other hand, there's nostalgia”.

Admitting that ‘the future can be frightening to say the least’ and that ‘the times we live in don't help us to be very optimistic’, the president of the Students‘ Association nevertheless defended the fact that the finalists are “really prepared” and that UCP has given them the skills and values that will make a difference in their professional future’, so that ‘with dedication and effort it will be possible to realise all their dreams and goals’.

After the speeches, it was time to impose the insignia on the finalists of the Philosophy, Social Work, Psychology, Communication Sciences, Tourism and Theology programmes, who approached the stage accompanied by parents and family members to make the traditional gesture that signifies the end of a journey. After the session, in the masterclass, it was time for the ribbon burning and outside the families were waiting to celebrate.