Portuguese Cultural Identities

5 ECTS / Semestral / Português


  • Deepen the concept of cultural identity;
  • Develop a reflection on the concept of cultural identity applied to the space of Lusophony;
  • Differentiate cultural identities considering distinctive factors;
  • Analyze situations of multiculturalism and interculturalism in contemporary society;
  • Recognize, in artistic achievements, contributions to the consolidation of an identity.


  • Reflect on articulation between ideologies and cultures in a critical view of imperial memory;
  • Evoke historical and cultural contexts of imperial and post-imperial relations in the Lusophone space;
  • Comment on the impact of myths and images, ghosts and fantasies in post-imperial times;
  • Problematize the deconstruction of the memory of empire and the revaluation of new identities;
  • Critically analyze literary texts that deal with post-colonial visions and the respective cultural identities.


Professor Associado
João Amadeu Oliveira Carvalho da Silva, professor associado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). Doutorado em Humanidades, na área da literatura…
Invited Assistant
Licenciada em Humanidades pela Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Centro Regional de Braga) em 1989, onde também…