- Review and deepen knowledge of the grammatical structure of the English language;
- Explore the various aspects of vocabulary study in order to provide students with a broader knowledge of the language used by the media in the world of culture;
- Develop skills in the understanding and critical interpretation of gradually more complex texts related to journalistic and literary practice;
- Develop the ability to produce original texts, both utilitarian and academic and cultural;
- Exercise orality;
- Know the outlines of the main phases and personalities of English and American History;
- Form a general image (also diachronic) of the English-speaking literary culture, highlighting the most significant works and those with a clearer presence in the language of the media and with an impact on Western Culture;
- Explore English-speaking literature through the reading of a novel/ short story with great impact
- Show the constant presence of references to the Classics in the media and in literary works.
Foreign Language II (English)
5 ECTS / Semestral / Português