Expansion Literature

5 ECTS / Semestral / Português
  • Present a diachronic perspective on the most relevant achievements of Portuguese Literature in its connection with History and Historiography as regards expansion and its interpretations; 
  • Propose updated lines of interpretation of the relations between Portuguese Literature, History, mentality and Culture; 
  • Critically analyze Portuguese works and authors resulting from the impact of the Portuguese Expansion, both in the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries; 
  • Know the structure of the poem Os Lusíadas, relevant episodes and questions of style; 
  • Analyze in the work of Father António Vieira the idea of the Fifth Empire; 
  • Identify several critical positions taken by writers on the situation of Portugal in the late nineteenth century as regards the period of the expansion; 
  • Explain in Fernando's Mensagem the various moments of the History of Portugal, with special emphasis on the maritime expansion and the Sebastianist symbology. 


Professor Associado
João Amadeu Oliveira Carvalho da Silva, professor associado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). Doutorado em Humanidades, na área da literatura…
Invited Assistant
Licenciada em Humanidades pela Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Centro Regional de Braga) em 1989, onde também…