Ana Costa

Professor Auxiliar Convidado


Ana Costa is currently a Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) - Braga and a researcher at the Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies (CEFH) of UCP, in the research line “Cognition, intersubjectivity and human development”. She completed a PhD in Psychology and an Integrated Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. She is a member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists and belongs to the College of Educational Psychology. 

Her main areas of scientific interest are related to Emotional Intelligence (EI) and socio-emotional competences in the academic context, namely the impact of EI on students' positive academic results, its forms of assessment and the development paths of these competences. She has also collaborated as a researcher on various other projects in the field of education and is the author of publications aimed at the scientific community as well as educational agents and the general public.