What does this course offer?
In accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process, the European Diploma in Psychology (Europsy) and the European Network of Organizational and Work Psychologists (ENOP), and the guidelines for the specialty in Work and Organizational Psychology of the Portuguese Psychologists' Association, the second cycle in Work and Organizational Psychology aims to provide students with scientific training in this specific area of psychology; contribute to the qualification of competent professionals and researchers; enable students to enter the job market and provide them with theoretical and practical skills that allow them to study, diagnose and intervene in an organizational context.
How employable is it?
In the PTO master's degree, the data collected from graduates in 2016/17 and 2018/19 showed that none were unemployed as of March 1, 2020. 100% of PTO graduates have a regular employment or service contract with the same organization. Most PTO graduates (42.9%) are employed in large companies (more than 250 employees) and all are employed in Braga (100%). The sectors that employed PTO graduates were: commerce/distribution (14.3%), education (14.3%), construction and public works (14.3%) and other activities and services (42.9%). The other activities and services sector appears to be the most significant sector for PTO graduates.
Structure of the study cycle:
The 1st year involves attending five curricular units (CU) in each semester (e.g., Advanced Research Methodologies, Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention, Integrated Human Resources Planning, Psychosocial Risks, Organizational Behavior). Of the ten courses the student attends during the 1st year, two are chosen from a range of optional courses (e.g., Health Promotion, Psychological Assessment in the Context of Work and Organizational Psychology, Leadership and Teamwork, Counselling and Career Management).
The 2nd year includes two curricular units: Internship and Dissertation.
The curricular internship takes place in institutions that have a protocol with the FFCS, although internship candidates can submit their own proposals to the coordinating committee. The internship experience is guided by a psychologist at the internship site (internship supervisor) and supervised by a UCP lecturer (internship supervisor), and these supervisions take place on a weekly basis.
Some of our internship partner institutions are: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Braga, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponte da Barca, SONAE, O Ferrolho, Rodel, S.A., Continental Mabor, Continental ITA, Câmara de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Jerónimo Martins Training School.
In the UC Dissertation, students develop their research project within the research lines of the lecturers, in accordance with the strategic plan of the Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies (a research center funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology). The dissertation supervisor supervises the student on a weekly basis.
Our lecturers invest heavily in supervising their internship and dissertation students. Work-study students have specific rules regarding their status.
Career opportunities
This master's degree prepares students for diagnosis and intervention in a wide variety of organizational contexts, in the area of Work and Organizational Psychology. It includes the possibility of working in areas involving the identification of psychosocial risks and the promotion of health and well-being at work, recruitment and selection, integration and reception, training and development of Human Resources, as well as career counseling and management. This master's degree meets the requirements for membership of the Portuguese Psychologists' Association.
Registration and Accreditation
Registration No. R/A-Cr 193/2021 on June 24, 2021
Accreditation date: May 6, 2021