Political Communication

5 ECTS / Semestral / Português

In the scope of this course unit the learner is expected to be able to:

  • Apprehend the use of propaganda and disinformation by the different political systems throughout the 20th century;
  • Assimilate some concepts and theories of communication essential to the understanding of political communication;
  • Problematize the role of the mediatization of the political phenomenon in modern democracies, from the transnational to the local level;
  • Contextualize critically the relations of power and negotiation woven between various actors of the public space: politicians, journalists, advisors, pressure groups, NGOs, citizens, etc.;
  • Analyze strategic communication in electoral campaigns and political marketing, as well as the use of digital media and its implications on citizens' participation;
  • Reflect on the personalization of politics, the exploration of media "cases" and the reception of speeches in the public sphere;
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in the analysis of case studies.


Professor Auxiliar
Doutorado em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade Paris 2 (Panthéon-Assas), leciona Sociologia da Comunicação, Jornalismo de Investigação, Comunicação…
Professor Convidado
Rui Alexandre Novais (Ph.D. in Communication and Image Studies at University of Kent-UK) is a Researcher and Invited Auxiliary Professor at Universidade…