Intermedia Discourses: Literature, Film and Visual Arts

5 ECTS / Semestral / Português
  • Know the challenges of intermediatic culture in the various domains;
  • Know the new theoretical fields of an intermedia aesthetics;
  • To approach the student to an experience of intersection between the media of life and the media of art;
  • To insert the student in the problematic of new forms of aesthetic and visual artistic expression;
  • Explore the concept of intermediality and literature;
  • Develop knowledge regarding the dialogue of literature with other arts;
  • Problematize relations and interactions between different artistic achievements;
  • Analyze cases of literary practices, where there are occurrences of intermediality;
  • Mastering theoretical knowledge to understand the intermediality as a strategy of production of entertainment content and as a communication strategy;
  • Develop the practical dimension of the object of study with a focus on the development of strategic plans for intermedial universes.


Professor Associado
João Amadeu Oliveira Carvalho da Silva, professor associado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). Doutorado em Humanidades, na área da literatura…
Professor Associado
Doutor em Filosofia (Estética) pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).   Professor Associado da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da…