General Comparative Linguistics

5 ECTS / Semestre / Português
  • Reflect on the properties of languages and explore the relationships between language, cognition, society and culture, based on the knowledge acquired in the Portuguese linguistics CUs;
  • Familiarize students with the theoretical, conceptual and methodological tools used to classify the world's languages according to shared grammatical features
  • Observe, describe and compare linguistic samples from a wide range of languages
  • Use typological databases;
  • Reflect on linguistic universals and discuss the universal grammar hypothesis;
  • Know and apply the methodology of language comparison and reconstruction;
  • Acquire knowledge about principles and methods of contrastive language analysis;
  • Develop case studies in linguistic typology and contrastive linguistics (Portuguese and other languages).


Professor Catedrático
É Professor Catedrático de Linguística na Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Centro Regional de Braga). A sua…