- To deepen knowledge about particular moments in European history and culture in order to understand the development of human thought and the directions of society;
- Promote the understanding of social, economic and political forces, since the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution and the Enlightenment;
- Relate artistic, philosophical, and civilizational movements in order to understand choices made in the last three centuries and the implications of those directions;
- Analyze the movements of contemporary thought, considering the beginnings of philosophical modernism, the new directions of avant-garde modernism and, finally, postmodernism;
- Develop perspectives on the directions of contemporary society, based on the study developed within the movements of philosophical and artistic thought;
- Systematize a comprehensive view of the major lines of contemporary thought in order to assume a demanding citizenship attitude, able to be guided by values and principles.
Contemporary Thought Movements
5 ECTS / Semestre / Português