Católica Braga prepares three days of Student Welcome

Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 13:29
Católica Braga prepara três dias de Acolhimento ao Aluno

On the 11th, 12th and 13th of September, the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) – Braga Regional Center opened its doors to welcome new students.

The welcome program opened with a speech by the Pro-Rector, Professor Doutor João Duque, followed by testimonies from former and current students, who addressed the importance of UCP in their lives, the personal experiences that allowed them to survive at the University and some advice to obtain excellent results.

The second day began with a welcome session by the Director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS), Prof. Doctor José Manuel Lopes, and was delivered to a group of Theology students who, through game dynamics, made the institution's newest members aware of the network of Jesuits to which it is part, in collaboration with the Deputy Director, Prof. . Doctor Bruno Nobre and a former student, Father Nelson Freitas.

In order to make the facilities known and, at the same time, generate integration, the FFCS Student Association (AE) saw the freshmen with a peddy papper around the Braga Campus.

The last day was reserved to make known the UCP services and who represents them, the projects and groups that new students can join, and also the course coordinators and additional clarifications about the degrees.

For those who don't know Braga, the FFCS Student Association prepared a guided tour of the city and also a Sunset for all students and teachers, with the aim of generating a moment of relaxation and fun, which allowed the program to end with Golden Key. The Líricas tunas from UCP and Estudantina de Braga also participated at this time.