On February 2, the academic community of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) - Braga gathered at the Braga Cathedral to celebrate National University Day, this year under the motto “Knowledge as Hope”.
The ceremony, held on the day that the Church celebrates Our Lady of the Lamps and the Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, was presided over by Archbishop José Cordeiro, Primate of Braga and Spain.
D. In his homily, Archbishop José Cordeiro encouraged the academic community of UCP's Braga Campus to foster a culture of hope in formation, for the sake of a “better world”, in these challenging times marked by the advance of new technologies and artificial intelligence.
In line with the theme marking this National Day of the Portuguese Catholic University, the Archbishop Primate said that “in Braga, we are also called to continue the narrative of educational hope with the communities of the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. He adds that “while knowledge helps us solve problems and understand the world, wisdom teaches us how to be people”.