On the 7th of October, it will take place the seminar "Brain and Spirituality: Perspectives and Challenges". This seminar is organized in the scope of the project "Neuroanatomical correlates of wellbeing in a mindfulness and religious exercises program", funded by Fundação Bial. Feel free to join and listen a little bit more about the possible differences or similarities in brain activity, during mindfulness and religious exercises program.
The event will be hosted by Steven Gouveia (PhD), CEFH Researcher, and will count with the presence of several Professors and Researchers, from Medical, Neuroscience, Psychology and Philosophy fields. The speakers will be:
Douglas Greve, PhD | MGH - Harvard, USA
Alexandre Castro Caldas, MD-PhD | ICS-FCH, UCP Lisboa
João Onofre Pinto SJ, PhD | CEFH - FFCS, UCP Braga
Filipa Soares, PhD | Ser Integral: Centro Português de Mindfulness
Ângela Leite, PhD | CEFH - FFCS, UCP Braga
This event will take place at Aula Magna, from Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Braga), at 14:30h.