Applications are now open for a place on the Transform4Europe Student Council. The selected candidate will represent UCP students on this T4EU body, which is responsible for defending the interests, needs and opinions of the Alliance's students.
The Student Council is comprised of students from all T4EU member universities and it aims to discuss relevant issues and develop measures to improve the academic and social experiences of all European students.
Applications are accepted until June 7 from students attending any UCP Bachelor's Degree from faculties located in Lisbon, Braga or Viseu.
Duration of the role: Minimum 1.5 years (with active academic enrolment).
Objectives/obligations: Each T4EU institution has in its constitution 2 active members and 1 vice member. The new member will initially be considered a vice member and then, when a member leaves, will be regarded as a member of the Student Council. The new member aims to support all the needs of the Student Council, with active participation in the meetings and work packages related to the T4EU project. As long as they are a vice member, they can get to know the SC. Internally, for the UCP, all members are considered equal and always work as a team.
To apply send an e-mail to with the subject ‘T4EU_SC_(first and last name)’. The email should include the curriculum vitae (CV): full name; degree; year of degree; UCP campus; and activities carried out during the degree. In addition to the CV, candidates should send a brief personal statement about the value they can bring to T4EU.