Summer Volunteering | APPLICATIONS OPEN

Monday, January 22, 2024 - 10:18


7 universities + 30 projects

Voluntariado de Verão | CANDIDATURAS ABERTAS

What is the FLY/VUELA Volunteer Program?

A program coordinated by the Jesuit Universities of Spain: Comillas (Madrid), Deusto (Bilbao) and ESADE (Barcelona), and joined by the Universities of Loyola (Andalusia), LUMSA (Rome, Italy), Mateja Bela (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia), IQS (Barcelona) and Católica (Portugal). The Porto Campus of the Catholic University coordinates FLY at the UCP.

Each university involved presents volunteer and/or service-learning projects in the country of origin, with the possibility of receiving students from other partner universities. At the same time, it has the possibility of sending students to projects at the other partner universities.

The projects are divided into 3 main working groups: Migrant People, People at Risk of Exclusion, Caring for People and Community.


Students can attend one of the presentation sessions

  • 15 de fevereiro | 13h | Zoom 
  • 19 de fevereiro | 13h | Católica Porto – room EC024
  • 19 de fevereiro | 21h | Zoom

How can students apply?

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on February 26, 2024.
The application process includes the following stages:

  • Completion of the online form + CV and Motivation/Presentation Letter (which must be attached to the form).
  • Interview. You must schedule the interview between February 16th and 29th, HERE.
  • Announcement of selected students (March 1st).
  • The FLY 2024 organization will assign the students to the projects.
  • Announcement of the projects in which the selected students will participate (March 4-6).

The following requirements are defined for the application process:

  • be a UCP student;
  • previous volunteer experience (experience gained through initiatives promoted by UCP is valued);
  • good financial standing.

Are there specific vacancies for UCP students?

  • 2 places for students from Braga.

Is there any kind of support from the UCP for the projects?
Yes. Braga is contributing with 2 grants of 250€ to help with accommodation and food costs during the project + covering accommodation and food costs for the training weekend in Madrid + insurance for both the joint training weekend and the projects.

How will the training work?
There will be two separate mandatory moments:

  1. UCP Training | March 2 | Católica Porto
    Training with a group of selected students from the Portuguese Catholic University, where topics such as volunteering, social justice, UCP's social responsibility and the role of volunteering will be discussed.
  2. FLY Training | March 15-17 | Madrid
    Training with all the students from the selected partner universities. UCP students will meet the group of students with whom they will share the experience, receive specific training and prepare material for the experience.

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