Summer School in Linguistics 2022, will take place at Católica in Braga between August 29 and September 2

Thursday, June 9, 2022 - 22:22
CEFH - Braga Summer School in Linguistics 2022 -paginas

Organized by the Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University organizes Braga Summer School in Linguistics, within the scope of the Doctoral Program in Linguistics. The event will offer advanced training in several areas of linguistic studies, especially from the perspective of Cognitive and Functional Linguistics in their most recent developments and in an interdisciplinary dialogue with other cognitive sciences. 

This event is designed for Post-doctoral, PhD and master's students in Linguistics or other scientific areas. Other researchers, particularly in the areas of cognitive science, can also apply. Preference is given to PhD and Post-doctoral students in Linguistics. The selection process is under the responsibility of the PhD Program in Linguistics selection panel.

Courses attendance system will be Presential. If the places for in-person participants are not fulfilled, there is the possibility of admitting remote online attendees (via zoom). The Summer School, will count on Braga with the presence of internationally prominent linguists from the field of Cognitive Linguistics, such as Professors Dirk Geeraerts, from the University of Leuven; Ari Verhagen, from the University of Leiden; Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, from the University of La Rioja; Martin Hilpert, from University of Neuchâtel; and Augusto Soares Silva, from FFCS in UCP.

The Summer School in Linguistics 2022, will consists of five different seminar courses taught in English, throughout the last week of August, and will take place at Campus Camões and Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences - UCP facilities, throughout the week of August 29 and September 2 of 2022.

For more information, please visit the event website.