On October 11th, starting at 2:30 pm, the II Welcome to New Students for the 2023/2024 academic year will take place, at the Aula Magna António Freire of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) - Braga Regional Center.
The welcome will be given by the Director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at UCP Braga and will be followed by testimonies from former students, namely Marta Calçada (Technical Director at Casa do Professor in Braga) and Rui Dantas Ferreira (CEO da Poente Creative Studio and Marketing Operations Manager at SC Braga), which have seen cases of professional success.
The session will feature the special participation of Sofia de Castro Fernandes, author of «at 9 on my blog», one of the most read and followed blogs in Portugal.
Next, the "Católica In! Inovar para Inclur" Project, which aims to integrate and academic success of 1st year undergraduate students, will be presented to all students so that they can register and, subsequently, take advantage of the opportunity to be accompanied in their integration into academic life by the initiative’s Mentors.
This event will culminate with a sunset, organized and promoted by the FFCS Student Association, in the Camões Campus parking lot.
Specially designed for students entering the 2nd phase of applications, this moment will also be intended for the rest of the Academic Community. In addition to aiming to promote an environment of sharing and relaxation for newcomers, it aims to strengthen bonds among those who are already part of the institution.