João Nuno Costa Gonçalves

Professor Auxiliar Convidado

Generic Bio

PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering, MSc in Systems Engineering and BSc in Mathematics from the University of Minho.
Full-time Invited Assistant Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP-Braga) for the scientific area of Data Science and member of the coordinating committee of the Degree in Applied Data Science at UCP.

His main scientific research interests lie in the areas of:

  1. Statistical Learning/Theoretical and Applied Autonomy
  2. Methods and Models for the Prediction of Time Series
  3. Hybrid Models of Mathematical Optimization

A contribution of dynamical systems theory and epidemiological modeling to a viral marketing campaign

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

A decision support system based on a multivariate supervised regression strategy for estimating supply lead times

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Barros, J.). 2023. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

A hybrid bi-objective optimization approach for joint determination of safety stock and safety time buffers in multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Silva, P.M.). 2022. Computers and Industrial Engineering

A Machine Learning Strategy for Estimating Supply Lead Times Towards Improved Safety Stock Dimensioning

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Barros, J.). 2022. SSRN

A multivariate approach for multi-step demand forecasting in assembly industries: Empirical evidence from an automotive supply chain

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2021. Decision Support Systems

Advancing logistics 4.0 with the implementation of a big data warehouse: A demonstration case for the automotive industry

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Silva, N.). 2021. Electronics (Switzerland)

Improving Inventory Management in an Automotive Supply Chain: A Multi-objective Optimization Approach Using a Genetic Algorithm

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

K-means clustering combined with principal component analysis for material profiling in automotive supply chains

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Goncalves, J.N.C.). 2021. European Journal of Industrial Engineering

On the dynamics of a viral marketing model with optimal control using indirect and direct methods

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2018. Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing

Operations research models and methods for safety stock determination: A review

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2020. Operations Research Perspectives

Optimal control measures for a susceptible-carrier-infectious-recovered-susceptible malware propagation model

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2019. Optimal Control Applications and Methods

Optimal control strategies for an advertisement viral diffusion

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

Preventing Computer Virus Prevalence using EpidemiologicalModeling and Optimal Control

João Nuno Costa Gonçalves (with Gonçalves, J.N.C.). 2020. Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity