Catholic University is a place of construction of common humanity

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga said yesterday that the Catholic University, which was born 55 years ago in Braga, "is a good place, it is a noble place, what in the Greek term can be said is a eutopia".
«If we often say that the University is a place where knowledge is produced, where habits are formed, where art is created, where humanism is experienced, where the sustainability of values happens, where one is safe, where there is freedom, where autonomy, where they add trust and responsibility, the words of S. João VI are very current when he emphasizes that the development of peoples is the essential key to achieve justice and peace at world level», stressed D. José Cordeiro.
The prelate considered that «the happy harmony between art, humanism and sustainability is a healthy provocation for the university community of the UCP». «In a world where social inequalities are worsening, the University is increasingly a place for building common humanity, for peace, for the sustainability of the planet, in constant climate action», he added.
In his intervention, D. José Cordeiro recalled that we have lived from crisis to crisis. “But the crisis also affects hope. However, faith impels us to hope against all hope", he added.
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga, at the end of his intervention, encouraged the entire academic community of the Catholic University in Braga to continue «with courage and confidence and with the ideals of the Catholic University of Portugal», that is, «to educate to create value with values, so that the present has a sense of the future».
At the end of the session, D. José Cordeiro presided over the Eucharist for the academic community, where, in his homily, he gave thanks to God for the 55 years of the Catholic University of Portugal, «for all that good, beautiful and true happened and continues to take place in the university environment, which is so important for contemporary dialogue».