UCP Porto and CEFH Braga, are hiring a DOCTORAL RESEARCHER within the framework of the Project "Skills 4 Post-COVID - Skills for the Future in Higher Education"

Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 00:29

UCP Porto, in collaboration with CEFH - Braga, are hiring a Doctoral Researcher in the field of Educational Sciences or Psychology, under the R&D Project “Skills 4 Post-COVID - Skills for the Future in Higher Education”. The Project will be allocated within the scope of the research topic “Cognition, intersubjectivity and human development”. As the name implies, this project aims to implement innovative pedagogical approaches, through dynamics of interdisciplinary collaboration in the academic community, enhancing more significant learning and the comprehensive development of students. The project is financed by the the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Programme (Call for Applications No. POCH-I2-2022-01).

For more information, please consult the publication page of the call announcement, as well as the respective publication notice here.

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