UCP Porto and CEFH Braga, are hiring a COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING TECHNICIAN within the framework of the Project "Skills 4 Post-COVID - Skills for the Future in Higher Education"

Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 00:02

UCP Porto, in collaboration with CEFH - Braga, are hiring a re hiring a COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING TECHNICIAN, under the R&D Project “Skills 4 Post-COVID - Skills for the Future in Higher Education”. The activities will be carried out at Centro de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento Humano – CEDH, integrated at Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in Porto, within the framework of the project "Skills 4 Post-COVID - Skills for the future in Higher Education". The project is financed by the the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Programme (Call for Applications No. POCH-I2-2022-01).

For more information, please consult the publication page of the call announcement, as well as the respective publication notice (here).

CEFH - POCH-portugal2020-ue-logos