Registration open | T4EU Professional Development Training

Monday, January 6, 2025 - 11:48

The Transform4Europe (T4EU) Alliance invites academic staff of T4EU universities to participate in professional development training (webinars), which will take place in January and February 2025.

The webinars will focus on the development of competences such as project-based learning, active learning, innovation in teaching and the integration of the SDGs into curricula, as well as the application of practical methodologies such as service-learning.

The list of webinars available in January and February and the registration forms can be found below.

Webinar Addressees Speaker date/time
"A step by step in project-based learning" Academic Staff

Prof Diana Mesquita - lecturer at the Universidade Católica, specialist in Higher Education, with more than 85 workshops on teaching methodologies.

Prof. Rui M. Lima - professor at the University of Minho, specialising in Industrial Engineering and Management, including Production and Project Management, Lean Production, Agile Project Management and Lean Healthcare.


"Why active learning?" Academic Staff Prof Joana Mata Pereira - Director of Educational Innovation at Católica Lisbon and Maths teacher. She has a PhD in Education, specialising in Mathematics Education, from the Institute of Education at the Universidade de Lisboa. 21/01/2025  10h-13h
"Could lecturing be innovative?" Academic Staff Prof Diana Soares - Professor and Vice-dean at the Universidade Católica, with a PhD in Education Sciences. She heads up CLIL - Católica's Pedagogical Innovation Laboratory and coordinates professional development initiatives for teachers. 22/01/2025  14h-16h
"The significance of integrating the SDGs into curricula: A practical example through a service-learning project methodology" Academic Staff Prof Asunción Menargues Marcilla - professor at the University of Alicante, in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences.


The Annual Training Plan for UCP employees now includes a number of important international training programmes. After registering, UCP faculty and staff should inform Human Resources and then send in their certificate of participation.

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