Católica Braga lecturer presents book at Livraria Centésima Página

Monday, March 10, 2025 - 10:33
Utopia do Nao-Ser

On February 28, at 6 p.m., Pompeu Miguel Martins' book of poetry, “A Utopia do Não-Ser” (Editora Labirinto), was presented by the teacher Cândido de Oliveira Martins at Livraria Centésima Página. 

In this book, the author (sociologist, politician and writer) writes an anthology of 25 years of poetry.

José Cândido Oliveira Martins

PhD in Humanities - specialty in Theory of Literature from the Portuguese Catholic University in 2003. He is an Associate Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University (Braga). He has published 3 articles in specialized journals, 3 book chapters and 19 published books. He has co-supervised 2 doctoral theses, 5 master's dissertations and 1 in the area of Languages and Literatures. She works in the Humanities with an emphasis on Languages and Literatures. In her professional activities, she has interacted with 3 collaborators in co-authoring scientific papers. In her DeGóis curriculum the most frequent terms used to contextualize her scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Literary History, Camilo Castelo Branco, contemporary literature and Theory of Literature.