The Rector of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Prof. Dr. Isabel Capeloa Gil hereby announces an international selection tender for one vacancy of doctorate junior researcher to perform duties of scientific research, on an exclusivity basis, in the scientific field of Philosophy of Education or Philosophy of Mind. The research activities are to be carried out at the Centro de Estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos (CEFH) research unit, integrated at Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in Braga, within the framework of the Strategic Research Project with reference UIDP/00683/2020 signed between the Portuguese Foundation Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT, IP) and the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).
This contract aims to accomplish the following research goals and objectives:
- To develop research within the scope of interdisciplinary projects of the three “research topics” of the CEFH, promoting interdisciplinarity between the areas of Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, Communication Sciences and Literary Studies;
- To collaborate actively in the development of ongoing research projects at CEFH, with greater focus on projects in topic 3 “Cognition, intersubjectivity and human development”;
- To collaborate in the promotion of scientific activities of the CEFH, in the submission of research projects to the main funding agencies and in attracting funding;
- To carry out qualitative and quantitative analyses using advanced methods;
- To present papers in international scientific events;
- To prepare, write and publish scientific papers in international scientific peer-review journals, especially in those indexed in Scopus or WoS;
- To support research projects carried out by CEFH PhD students;
- To participate in the periodic research reports regarding CEFH's ongoing investigation activities.
Application deadline: Candidates may submit their applications in the terms mentioned in the previous point, from April, 03, 2023 to April, 23, 2023 (until 5 pm Lisbon time). Applications must be sent by email to concursos.cefh@ucp.pt.
Published 31.03.2023 | Updated 31.03.2023