CALL for Abstracts at the First International Colloquium "Emergence and Time"

Friday, February 10, 2023 - 13:04
CEFH - Imagem 1st Colloquium Emergence and Time - banner05 CALL ABSTRACTS

The Call for Abstracts for the First International Colloquium "Emergence and Time", taking place from 5 to 7 September 2023, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University Portuguese Catholic (Braga, Portugal), is open. This colloquium addresses the relationship between emergence and time, with a focus on questions related to the fundamentality of the concept of time in different disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, cognitive sciences, linguistics, and physics.

The meeting will have 5 Keynote Speakers:

- Chris Sinha, PhD (University of East Anglia | Norwich, United Kingdom )

- Christian Wüthrich, PhD (University of Geneva | Switzerland)

- David Yates, PhD (University of Lisbon | Portugal)

- Karem Crowther, PhD (University of Oslo |Norway)

- Vera da Silva Sinha, PhD (University of Oxford| United Kingdom)

Interested parties are invited to submit a 250-500 word abstract for a 20-minute presentation (followed by a 10-minute discussion).
The abstract should include five keywords and must be prepared for peer review (blind review).
Please attach a separate page that includes the following information: full name, institution, telephone number, and email.

​Proposals must include the following message in the 'subject' field: “First Inter. Coll. First Name Last Name – Title of Abstract.”

Please send proposals to the following email  address:
Questions should be addressed to the above address.

After the colloquium, authors will be invited to submit a complete version of their work which will be peer reviewed and published in a special conference issue of the Axioma Studies Series.

Deadline for submission: June 30, 2023

Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2023


All info related to the conference can be found here: