CLIL creates Learning and Practice Communities for UCP professors

Monday, March 13, 2023 - 15:32

The Learning and Practice Communities (CAP) are a new initiative organized by CLIL | Católica Learning Innovation Lab, the Pedagogical Innovation Laboratory of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP).

The CAP intend to provide UCP professors with the opportunity to join an online group or community, which will explore new methodologies and pedagogical strategies in the following areas: Cross-cutting pedagogical training, Learning through digital, Peer Learning, Service-Learning and Learning-Based Problems and Projects.

Teachers interested in participating in the initiative must complete this form by March 17th.

The Learning and Practice Communities will start on March 22, at 5:30 pm, with an online event, which will last about two hours. The first part of the event is open to the entire academic community and will feature Isabel Vasconcelos, UCP Vice-Rector, and Karen Matthewman (University College, London) who will speak about the concept, advantages and challenges inherent to Learning and Practice Communities. The second part is reserved for teachers enrolled in the CAP.

The link to participate in the event is available HERE.

To find out more details about the Communities launch session and access additional information about how they work, consult the program.

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