CLIL with a new project that aims to promote the integration and academic success of UCP students

Friday, February 24, 2023 - 18:43

The “Católica in! Innovate to Include” is the new project of the Católica Learning Innovation Lab (CLIL) - the Pedagogical Innovation Laboratory of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP). The project, supported under the Human Capital Operational Program (PO CH), aims to promote the integration and academic success of UCP students, namely those in the first year of their degree.

“With this project, we want to reinforce the various initiatives underway at UCP, which aim to promote the transition, adaptation and academic success of University students, namely in the first year of higher education, considered a critical period for dealing with the demands and with the unique challenges of the university context”, says Diana Soares, from the coordination team of “Católica in!” and Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FEP) at the UCP.

To carry out this purpose, four actions will be developed during the second half of the 2022/2023 academic year and the first half of 2023/2024, on the Campus of Porto and Braga.

The first two activities include a survey and characterization of the initiatives already underway at the University of Peer Mentoring and Tutoring by Teachers, in which UCP students and professors volunteer to accompany first-year undergraduate students who adhere to these initiatives.

“With this survey, we want to analyze to what extent these practices respond to the needs of students in their first year of higher education and promote their integration into academic life. Based on this analysis, we aim to build references to support the training of mentors and tutors, to expand and consolidate the experiences already underway at the University", says Armanda Gonçalves, from the project coordination team and Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS) of the UCP.

Strategies to improve the monitoring of students at risk of failure and dropout

In addition to the first two actions, the “Católica in! Innovating to Include” also provides for the organization of Workshops for students who are at greater risk of dropping out and/or academic failure, and the creation of a platform that will store the information already collected on situations of academic failure on both the Campi in Porto and from Braga.

All activities are aimed at developing and increasing policies and practices that allow monitoring and supporting students, in line with the principles of inclusive education.

This project joins “Post-COVID Skills 4 - Skills for the future in Higher Education”, a CLIL project, also developed within the scope of PO CH, which is currently in force at UCP. The project is experimenting and testing innovative pedagogical approaches, counting on the collaboration of UCP teachers and students, and elements of the business fabric and civil society.

The “Católica in! Innovating to Include” is funded by Portugal 2020, under the PO CH – Human Capital Operational Programme, through the ESF – European Social Fund.

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