UCP students join the Food Bank

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - 14:57

Feed the hope

At a time when requests for help almost tripled, compared to the previous year, Banco Alimentar had 40,000 volunteers during the weekend, spread across supermarkets across the country. Among the thousands, seven were those who represented the Portuguese Catholic University of Braga, providing assistance in the face-to-face campaign on Sunday, between morning and afternoon, at the Lidl supermarket chain.
Under the motto “Hope”, the six students of the 2nd and 3rd years of Communication Sciences, accompanied by Professor Doctor Cândido Martins, gathered at Lidl de Lamaçães, in Braga, to help the 40 thousand people with food shortages, data advanced by BA. Between delivering bags and collecting food, solidarity was always the pretext, in a mix of gratitude and smiles. With their shopping carts stocked with essential goods, the university students began to calculate the impact of their actions. “An experience to be repeated”, declared one of the volunteers, extolling one of the most significant values of the Catholic University of Portugal - the defense and development of the human person, in all its aspects.
The food will be distributed, during the week, in 2600 social solidarity institutions, which the Food Bank guarantees to have been a positive balance. Remember that the campaign runs until May 14, through vouchers available in supermarkets or through the electronic platform www.alimentestaideia.pt.

-Joana Rebelo-

Alimentar a esperança

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