Pedagogical innovation: CLIL launches itinerant workshops in the four Católica campuses

Monday, September 23, 2024 - 16:20

Under the motto "CLIL on the road", the Católica Learning Innovation Lab (CLIL) has launched the Itinerant Workshops - a new training and pedagogical development initiative that will bring pedagogical innovation to the four campuses of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).

Aimed at faculty and researchers from the four UCP campuses, the two-hour, face-to-face Itinerant Workshops aim to discuss pedagogical innovation and experiment with new teaching and learning methodologies, applied to the context of each faculty.

With this experiment, we want to go on the road and bring pedagogical innovation to all the campuses of our university. It's an ambitious project, but it's essential to create a teaching community that is active in the field of pedagogical innovation and willing to explore new methodologies in the classroom,” says Diana Soares, coordinator of CLIL.

First face-to-face workshop at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing (FCSE) in Porto was the first faculty of the Universidade Católica to host the itinerant workshops. The training took place on 24 July and was attended by a group of faculty who were very interested in exploring new teaching-learning methodologies applied to the nursing context.

Maitê Gil, CLIL Education and Professional Development Specialist, said: "This first workshop was a real exchange of experiences and knowledge. We were able to see what good pedagogical work is already being done in this faculty and to think together about new possibilities to explore in the classroom.” 

The workshops are organised by the CLIL team, with the participation of representatives from the different academic units that make up the lab's extended team. This workshop involved João Neves Amado and Constança Festas from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing (FCSE) and members of the extended CLIL team.

CLIL will be back on the road in September to visit other UCP faculties.