Jorge Barbosa, Specialist Professor at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Braga) and Technical Coordinator of the Porto Oriental Integrated Response Center (ARS Norte), participated jointly with a group of national and international experts, in the publication of the new book on “Dual Pathology: Recommendations for the best quality of the process", as co-author of the chapter "The Portuguese model: from the decriminalization of drug consumption to responses integrated into additions", published by Editorial Medica Panamericana, a renowned publisher in the field of medical sciences, with more of 3,000 titles in Spain and Latin America.
This book, which includes the participation of a group of experts in mental health, dual pathology and additions from Portugal, Spain and Latin America, is aimed at all mental health professionals and includes the basic notions of dual pathology, as an entity clinic, as well as its management in professional practice.