Líricas – Female Tuna of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) – Braga Regional Center organized, on the 18th of March, the Festival of Feminine Tunas “VI Lira”, in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of UCP Braga.
This event, open to the general public, took TunaMira, from the Superior School of Communication, Administration and Tourism, in Mirandela; Pikatuna, from the Superior School of Health of Santa Maria, in Porto; and Tun’Obebes, from the School of Engineering at the University of Minho, in Braga.
The prizes for best soloist, as well as for best banner and best tuna went to Tun’Obebes; and those for best instrumental, best tambourine and tuna+tuna went to Pikatuna.
The festival also had the special and extra-competition participation of the male tuna Estudantina de Braga, which accompanies the Líricas of UCP Braga in various musical moments throughout the year.