The Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Braga), of the Portuguese Catholic University, opened the exhibition "On the Shoulders of Giants" in its Padre Júlio Fragata Library, on November 2nd. It is intended to pay homage to the Jesuit priests who were professors at the college throughout its more than 55 years of history.
The exhibition presents photographs and short biographical notes of seven Jesuit priests who were teachers at this House. Alongside this, other testimonies of their intellectual heritage also appear, which illustrate the contribution of the Jesuits to philosophical-humanistic thought and training in Portugal, as set out in some of their books and reference documents.
Among the honored Jesuit priests are names such as Father Lúcio Craveiro, first elected rector of the University of Minho, Father António Freire, considered one of the greatest Latinists of his time, Father Júlio Fragata, one of the pioneers of Phenomenology in Portugal, Father Bacelar Oliveira, first Rector of the UCP, Father João Mendes, one of the great scholars of Portuguese literature, Father Roque Cabral, a pioneer in the area of Bioethics, and Father Alfredo Dinis, who dedicated himself to the dialogue between Science and Faith.
The presentation is arranged along the pillars of the library as a metaphor for the transmission of knowledge from the shoulders of giants to us. It is modular and easy to transport, synonymous with the availability and adaptability of the Jesuits.
The exhibition, designed to pay homage to the great Jesuit figures, the first founders of this university institution, will grow throughout the year with the inclusion of new prominent figures. It was designed by professor Ana Paula Pinto and Diogo Marques Gaspar sj, curated by philosophy student Luísa Lisboa.
The exhibition "On the Shoulders of Giants" will be on display at the Faculty Library until March 3, 2024, and from that date onwards it will be on display in other spaces.