The project ‘Emerging Literacy in Pre-school Education’, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, coordinated by the Penafiel Southeast School Group, in partnership with the Portuguese Catholic University (Portugal), the Akademija za sovremeni edukacii PRO SCIENTIA (Macedonia) and the Istituto Comprensivo Statale Federico II di Svevia (Italy) continues to develop in a collaborative and transnational manner.
Between May 2024 and January 2025, the UCP team, made up of Professors Íris Oliveira, Ana Costa and Cátia Marques and Professor Paulo Dias, carried out training sessions for kindergarten teachers and parents/carers from the three countries involved in the project. Based on scientific evidence, the sharing of practical experiences and moments of joint reflection, they were encouraged to devise strategies to promote emergent literacy among pre-school children. Each early childhood education professional created an action plan to promote emergent literacy in their contexts. Resources and practical examples were also made available for families to contribute to their children's emergent literacy and to work more closely with pre-school settings towards this common goal.
The project also involves moments of international mobility, so that participants and partners can share experiences and results and reinforce the joint commitment to promoting emergent literacy as a foundation for academic success. The first mobility event took place on 7 November at UCP-Braga and, in 2025, other events will take place in Italy and Macedonia.