Data Science in the field of Social Sciences in debate

Friday, May 12, 2023 - 10:03

As part of the Degree in Applied Data Science, the 1st Applied Data Science Conference took place at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal - Braga, on April 26, 2023.

This event, which focused on the theme “Data Science as an interdisciplinary tool: Perspectives and multiple contexts”, aimed to present and discuss the benefits and challenges of Data Science in the field of Social Sciences (Psychology, Humanities, Tourism, Service Social), through practical examples.

The Journeys had the interventions of Dr. Miguel Oliveira, member of the National Board of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, in a first lecture entitled “Data Science in the Information Age: New Horizons for Psychology”, and Eng.º Pedro Loureiro Marques, Data Engineering Senior Manager at Blip, in a second lecture entitled “Data Engineering, Data Analysis and Data Science”.

There was also room for a round table with the participation of Idalete Dias (University of Minho), Alberto Freitas (University of Porto/ CINTESIS), Miguel Pereira (Intermunicipal Community of Cávado/ UCP) and Miguel Ribeiro (Your Tours Portugal) whose topic under discussion was “The future of Social Sciences: Data Science as a tool to support decision-making”, moderated by Rui Esteves Pimenta (Professor Coordinator of the Polytechnic of Porto).

Ciência de Dados no domínio das Ciências Sociais em debate