Dan Zahavi takes "Phenomenology in the 21st Century" to debate at Católica Braga

Monday, June 12, 2023 - 18:10

On June 20, 2023, the Workshop “Phenomenology in the 21st Century” will take place at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS) of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) - Braga Regional Centre.

This event will feature the Danish philosopher Dan Zahavi, as well as researchers Carlos Morujão [Professor and Researcher at the Catholic University of Portugal, Faculty of Human Sciences - Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies (CEFH)], Gloria Andrada (Integrated member of the Nova Philosophy, University of Lisbon) and Steven Gouveia (Integrated member of the Philosophy Institute of the University of Porto).

These will, firstly, present the different communications within the theme of phenomenology according to their areas of investigation and, in the end, will lead to a debate on the theme of "Phenomenology in the 21st Century".

The session will be moderated by Bruno Nobre, professor and researcher at CEFH-FFCS UCP.

The event is free but subject to mandatory registration (here).

For more information, please consult the event programme here


Dan Zahavi - Biography
Dan Zahavi, is Professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen and director of the Center for Subjectivity Research. He is also Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, since 2018. His research focuses mainly on the topics of phenomenology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Dan Zahavi has also worked about topics such as Self, self-consciousness, intersubjectivity, social cognition, empathy, and intentionality. He has published several book such as "Husserl's Phenomenology" (2003) (already translated to Portuguese), "The Phenomenological Mind" (2008/2012) (co-authoring with Shaun Gallagher), "Husserl's Legacy" (2017) and more recently the book "Phenomenology: The Basics" (2019). He is also editor of over 10 volumes of "The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology" (Oxford University Press 2012) and "The Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology" (Oxford University Press 2018), and co-editor of the journal "Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences".


CEFH - Dan Zahavi Cartaz FInal JPG


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