Catholic In! promoted Mentor Training Session

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 21:19

The “Catholic in! Innovate to Include”, a joint project between the Braga and Porto Regional Centers of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, promoted, on October 23rd, a Mentor Training Session: “Being a Mentor at UCP”.

With a view to the full integration of new students into the academic world, future Mentors from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, from the Regional Center of Braga, participated in an awareness session on the importance of Peer Mentoring, in which they received the “Being a Mentor at UCP” kit with informative material for implementation in their future practices. This session was facilitated by the project's technical team and included the performance of Líricas – Tuna Feminina from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Braga.

“Being a Mentor means sharing wisdom and guidance, boosting the growth of oneself and others” says Sofia Ribeiro, student of the Degree in Psychology at the Catholic University of Braga.

This project is supported by “Skills 4 Post-COVID - Skills for the future in Higher Education”, financed by Portugal 2020, within the scope of POCH – Human Capital Operational Program (POCH-02-53I2-FSE-000026), through the FSE – European Social Fund.