On 4 February, at 2.30pm, the Braga Business Association (AEB) will host a seminar on ‘Disruptive Thinking, Ethics and Innovation’, in partnership with the Executive Training Academy (AFE) of the Portuguese Catholic University - Braga.
Marcos Bazmandegan, professor and trainer in the areas of Philosophy and Ethics, will be present as a speaker.
The same seminar will also formalise the collaboration protocol between AFE and AEB, with the aim of promoting the development of joint training programmes.
Biography Marcos Bazmandegan
PhD in Philosophy, specialising in Philosophy of Religion. He is a member of the Aesthetics, Politics and Knowledge Research Group at the Philosophy Institute of the University of Porto.
He is also the coordinator of the Disruptive Thinking, Ethics and Innovation programme at the Portuguese Catholic University's Executive Training Academy and an associate researcher at the Lusófona University's Centre for Research into Cosmovisions and Spiritual and Religious Worldviews. He teaches Philosophy of Religion at the Portuguese Association of Ethics and Practical Philosophy and is a member of the Societas Spinozana (Rome).