Volunteering promotes and favors positive changes in the world we live in: it fights inequalities, responds to the challenges and needs of communities, leading to transformation. Thus, volunteering is a great expression of human relations: people acting on behalf of their community, by the desire to contribute and help.
We created Voluntaria*te (the volunteering service at UCP-Braga) because we believe we can make a difference. We don't want to be indifferent. We want to be part of the solution for a better world!
Our goals:
1) To develop initiatives and create partnerships that allow to dynamize consequent activities and that favor the formation of conscious and participative citizens;
2) Raise awareness and encourage the academic community to get involved in the initiatives, mobilizing people and resources , creating a "solidarity network" committed to what surrounds us, in favor of the "common good".
Our strategy:
The involvement of the entire academic community (employees, faculty/non-teaching staff and students).
Who is our team?
Coordination Committee:
Anabela Rodrigues (Coordinator);
Armanda Goncalves;
Ana Salazar;
Catarina Vieira da Silva;
Daniela Monteiro.
Remaining members:
Anabela Abreu; António Melo; Bruno Nobre; Celina Alves; Clarisse Pessoa; Dores Vieira; João Gonçalves; João Onofre; Manuela Taveira; Maria José Barbosa; Maria José Lopes; Marília Pinto; Olga Silva; Orquídea Lago; Paulo Dias; Ricardo Peixoto; Sílvia Gonçalves; Silvia Lopes; Simone Petrella and Vitor Sá.
Initiatives carried out so far

Seminar "Transform to Include"
On November 11, 2022, took place in the Aula Magna of the FFCS the Transform to Include Seminar. During the event, the campaign "Multiplica a Solidariedade: Cuida de um Pirilampo and/or participates in a magic walk" took place in partnership with CERCI Braga.

Campaign "Christmas is for Everyone!"
The campaign "Christmas is for everyone!", took place between December 9th and 16th at Católica Braga, with the purpose of raising funds to buy presents for boys and girls, from 0 to 10 years old, who live in a Private Institution of Social Solidarity that temporarily shelters children who are victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment.