Research and Intervention Methodology

7 ECTS / Semestral / Português
  • Develop the theoretical skills needed to plan and carry out research in the field of tourism;
  • Identify and evaluate the criteria to be taken into account when choosing sources of information;
  • To assimilate the fundamental stages of a research project, as well as the modalities, operations and limits associated with the various methods (quantitative and qualitative) for collecting and analyzing data;
  • Encourage observation and analysis skills through an introduction to fieldwork, interview techniques, observation and content analysis;
  • To train in the correct selection of statistical techniques when describing, analyzing and interpreting a research process in the field of Gerontology;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to prepare a scientific report in the field of Gerontology.


Professor Associado
Paulo C. Dias, Psychologist, with master degree in Educational Sciences and PhD in Health Psychology. As professor, he is Associate Professor and Coordinator…