Luís Silva Pereira wrote and Sílvia Mota Lopes illustrated 'Histórias de Nonô', a children's literature book that was presented yesterday at the Portuguese Catholic University in Braga.

Yesterday, in the Isidro Alves auditorium of the Portuguese Catholic University in Braga, the children's book 'Histórias de Nonô' (Nonô's Stories) was presented with texts by Luís Silva Pereira and illustrations by Sílvia Mota Lopes.
The book, published by Editorial Novembro, tells over 76 pages the adventures of Nonô - a little girl who, through play, learns about life by living with her parents, grandparents, friends, schoolmates, animals and the natural world. She plays and spontaneously opens her imagination to the dimension of the marvelous which, because it is the world where the laws of nature are suspended, allows her to dream of all possibilities.
"Who's Nonô?" asked a child. Luís Silva Pereira replied that at first she was a granddaughter called Leonor, whom they call Nonô in the family. But then, he explained, "it's all those children I watched".
When did he start writing? That was another question the author answered. In literary terms, he said, it was "while I was waiting for my granddaughters".
He went on to explain that he starts from real events and then "I let my imagination run wild". Quoting Sebastião da Gama, he went on to say: "we go for the dream".
Luís Silva Pereira was born in Peso da Régua in 1947. He obtained his PhD in Portuguese Literature from the Braga Faculty of Philosophy of the Portuguese Catholic University with the thesis 'Imagens da Lírica Camoniana. Repertoire and Interpretation'. She has taught Portuguese Literature, Introduction to Literary Studies and Theory of Literature, among other subjects. From 2010 to 2012 he was the first lay director of the newspaper Diário do Minho. More recently, he was the director of the magazine Bracara Augusta, published by Braga City Council.
Yesterday, before the presentation of the book, José Manuel Lopes, Fernando Azevedo and José Cândido Martins praised the qualities of the professor - an inspiring model to whom the faculty continues to turn.