A licenciatura em Filosofia proporciona um contacto direto com as mais importantes temáticas do pensamento contemporâneo e com as grandes questões da História da Filosofia. Através da formação cultural específica e do desenvolvimento das capacidades de...
The undergraduate course in Philosophy provides direct contact with the most important themes of contemporary thought and with the great questions of the History of Philosophy. Through specific cultural training and the development of the abilities to...
Psychology is a scientific field of enormous social relevance that encompasses all aspects of our lives. Psychologists must base their work on scientific evidence in order to find answers to complex individual and social questions, in order to respond to...
The degree in Social Work at the FFCS offers students proximity teaching (personalized support) with a strong link between theoretical and practical teaching. Innovative pedagogical practices and teaching methodologies appropriate to the syllabus (e.g...
The undergraduate course in Tourism is based on a relevant curricular plan, a qualified teaching staff and benefits from the solid image of prestige of UCP in higher education of excellence. In addition, the course has the support and cooperation of...