The undergraduate course in Communication Studies provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to carry out professional activities and/or pursue Master's studies in the areas of social communication, organizational communication...
The undergraduate course in Portuguese Studies is an educational proposal open to the dynamics of the contemporary world. It is composed of five major scientific areas : Linguistic Studies, Foreign Languages, Literary Studies, Classical Studies and...
A licenciatura em Filosofia proporciona um contacto direto com as mais importantes temáticas do pensamento contemporâneo e com as grandes questões da História da Filosofia. Através da formação cultural específica e do desenvolvimento das capacidades de...
The undergraduate course in Philosophy provides direct contact with the most important themes of contemporary thought and with the great questions of the History of Philosophy. Through specific cultural training and the development of the abilities to...
The undergraduate course in Tourism is based on a relevant curricular plan, a qualified teaching staff and benefits from the solid image of prestige of UCP in higher education of excellence. In addition, the course has the support and cooperation of...
At a time marked by transformations linked to digital progress, the emergence of an ecological sensibility, environmental and humanitarian crises of various kinds, there are numerous, sometimes opposing, anthropological conceptions. Based on the humanist...
Applications open until February 20th What does this course offer? Human formation at the highest level, in its cultural, scientific and professional aspects in the area of Special Education; To meet the needs of multidisciplinary reflection at...
Applications open until February 20th Scholarships The internet and the digital environment have brought about changes in personal, group, organizational and mass communication. The evolution of the media ecosystem in recent decades, from the so-called...
Apresentação O Curso de Pós-Graduação em Promoção e Educação para a Saúde pretende formar profissionais capazes de intervir como educadores e promotores da saúde em contextos diversificados. O curso terá a duração um semestre (150h com 11 módulos...
** CURSO EM RESTRUTURAÇÃO ** A Psicologia Forense trata da aplicação dos conhecimentos da Psicologia no âmbito da justiça e da aplicação das leis. É uma área em constante desenvolvimento e com elevada relevância no contexto jurídico, tanto ao nível da...