PhD in Business Sciences FEP-UP, MSc Marketing & Product Management from Cranfield University, UK, Degree in International Relations, UM. Assistant
PhD in Business Sciences FEP-UP, MSc Marketing & Product Management from Cranfield University, UK, Degree in International Relations, UM. Assistant
PhD in Business Sciences FEP-UP, MSc Marketing & Product Management from Cranfield University, UK, Degree in International Relations, UM. Assistant Professor at Lusíada University. Visiting professor at the Portuguese Catholic University. Researcher at CBQF/UCP-ESB and COMEGI, UL. Visiting professor at the following institutions: ISM (Germany), ULBRA (Brazil), FC-UP, ISA- U. Nova de Lisboa and IPVC. Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Organizational Studies and Innovation. Awarded “Best short communication in Economy and Law” at the XXIV OIV World Congress, 2011. Evaluator and consultant for CCDRN. Collaborator on national and international projects: AWBR Research Study: Wine Consumption during Covid-19 2020-21. ModelMeat. Model to Support the Competitiveness of Agents in the Extensive Animal Production Sector. Terraprima, CBQF ESB-UCP. CVRDão 2019-20: Action Plan for the Dão Wine Region, Measure 8 of the AGRIS Program, 2006. AESBUC 2003: Portuguese Wine Consumer Study. ESB-UCP, 2006. He is currently manager and general director of Quinta de Paços, Lda.