This intensive programme aims to provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge of Structural Equation Analysis using SPSS and AMOS software, facilitating the interpretation of the results generated by the softwares. The aim is to enable participants to understand, carry out and interpret common applications of Structural Equation Analysis, covering confirmatory factor analysis and causal models with latent variables.
Target Audience
All those interested in deepening and developing their skills in analysing structural equations with SPSS AMOS software and interpreting the outputs produced by the software.
Prerequisites: It is advisable to have a solid background in descriptive and inferential statistics (including knowledge of correlation analysis and linear regression, as well as fundamentals of hypothesis testing). Although knowledge of Exploratory Factor Analysis is an advantage, it is not mandatory.
- Review of Structural Equation Analysis and Invariance Analysis (Day 1)
- Regression Analysis and Linear Mixed Models (Day 2)
- General Linear Model (ANOVA; MANOVA and Repeated Measurement ANOVA) (Day 3)
João Marôco (Ph.D., Washington State University) is a full professor at ISPA-IU where he teaches Statistical Analysis, Research Methods and Advanced Data Analysis Techniques. He is also Research Professor II at Nord University in Norway. He is a consultant for the World Bank and the Teresa and Alexandre Soares dos Santos Education Initiative in Education Statistics. Between 2014 and 2018 he was a member of the board of directors of IAVE, I.P. where he coordinated the large-scale sample assessment studies (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, ICILS) and the e-Assessment pilot project. He has taught workshops and lectures on Statistical Analysis, Psychometrics and Structural Equation Analysis at all the main universities in mainland Portugal, as well as in Brazil, Finland, Norway, Taiwan and the UK. His research interests include the evaluation and development of psychometric scales, regression applications, structural equation modelling, large-scale evaluation and sampling, and classification in the biological, health, social and human sciences. He has currently published 430 articles in national and international journals with scientific arbitration and four books on Statistical Analysis, Structural Equation Analysis and Psychometric Evaluation. According to Google Scholar, his academic work has been cited more than 42,500 times (H = 72; i10 = 274). According to the AD Scientific Index, he belongs to the Top 2% of the most cited academics in Portugal and to the "World's Top 2% of the most cited academics in Portugal and to the "World's Top 2% Scientists list", produced by Standford University. |
Tuition Fees
The fee has a fixed value of €150 for students/researchers/teachers from other UCP research centres.
The fee has a fixed value of €300 for the general attenddees.
For more information please contact Science Management CEFH ( or the course coordinator (
Day 1 (10.01.2024) - 10-13h / 14.30-17.30h, Sala de Informática 3, Campus Camões
Day 2 (11.01.2024) - 10-13h / 14.30-17.30h, Sala de Informática 3, Campus Camões
Day 3 (12.01.2024) - 10-13h / 14.30-17.30h, Sala de Informática 3, Campus Camões
Registration at the form Here.